New board members in our committee
The annual general meeting took place on January 8th 2015 in Neuwied. Members were informed about projects of the last year and about planned activities ahead. There was a detailed report of the cash balance of our account presented by our treasurer Jürgen Hoppen. The cash audit didn’t find any reason for complaint, and thus, total discharge of the board was granted.
Information was given about the construction activities at Anura College, starting in February 2015: first floor and solid roof on top of the ground floor of the little library. Financial support by the state government in Mainz can be expected, and this first floor will be finished in July and may be opened when board members visit Matara in August 2015.
An ambitious project will be celebrating the tenth birthday of our Neuwied-Matara-Friendship-Association in autumn 2015. There will be a summary and report of all our projects and activities having been carried out continuously since February/March 2005. Information about scholarships – the present focus of our work – about history and culture of Sri Lanka, about food and lifestyle…will be given on that occasion. (More details about the exact date and programme to follow)
Associaton board: former members of the cash audit Mrs. Herta Ries and Mr. Fridhelm Schuhbauer were suggested to replace the leaving board members Mrs. Tanja Bartz and Mrs. Sandra Schmidt. Mrs. Ries and Mr. Schuhbauer were ready to accept and were elected unanimously. As new cash audit members were elected Mrs. Karin Schuhbauer and Mrs. Brigitte Raithelhuber. They all agreed to fulfill their duties willingly. The president thanked Mrs. Bartz and Mrs. Schmidt for all the work they had done as board members for the association’s sake and kindly asked them to continue their support as members.
Here are the members of the newly constituted board:
President – Mr. Bernd Mertgen
Vice President – Mrs. Edeltrud Pinger
Manager – Mr. Sagara Abegunewardene
Treasurer – Mr. Jürgen Hoppen
Assessors: Mrs. Meilen-Hoppen; Mrs. Herta Ries; Mr. Hermann-Josef Simon; Mr. Fridhelm Schuhbauer; Mrs. Sabine Wirges (not in the picture)