Finally! – Meeting of godparents and godchild for the first time!
That was the long-awaited moment! In the morning, the German guests were shown around the school premises, visited students and teachers and watched their activities in the home science rooms and library and finally met their scholarship student Nethra. Big smiles on all faces. They had seen photographs of each other before, but this moment here was a very special one. Some words in English – the little, shy voice took some time to become more self-confident – but the English teacher helped to translate from and into Singhalese. Those faces spoke volumes and were aglow with happiness. Sophia is a bit older, but here were two young girls who, quickly, found common ground and language problem could be overcome easily. “Necessity is the mother of invention”.
At Nethra’s home, there is a hearty welcome although there is not much that can be offered. But even when you don’t own riches, you can give a lot. That is what the visitors can experience. There is friendliness, curiosity, hospitality,…and the guests are offered refreshing drinks, biscuits and fruit. The German family has to learn that they are most appreciated and can eat and drink while their hosts don’t touch anything before their guests are served sufficiently. That is the Srilankan way of ovation and recognition. Nethra shows her godparents her modest room that she shares with her siblings. And Sophia can learn how her new Srilankan friend contents herself with the bare minimum.
There are presents for Nethra and her younger sister and brother. The conversation is about school and plans for the future. The visitors can feel the family’s thankfulness for the chance given to her older daughter who is supported regularly by Mr. Hoss. It is not easy for them to cope with challenges of everyday life. And so it is a bit like winning the lottery jackpot that those godparents could be found for Nethra. Certainly, this can mean carefree school education, regular tuition lessons,….…a better future.
Previously, there were meetings with other scholarship students: Maheesha was given a present from her German godmother Sabine, Ganeesha enjoyed a gift from Dietmar and Maike Bodmann, and Eshan came along accidently and wanted Mr. Hoss to take his best wishes and kindest regards back to Germany for his godfather, Mr. Peter Ries. Unfortunately, the meeting with one of our Rahula scholarship boys, Malith Deshan, could not come off due to reasons of time. But our coordinator, Mr. Ruwan, will meet him tomorrow and hand over a present from his godfather, Mr. Thomas Busch.
Impressive meeting at the High Priest’s office, VenerableTissamaharamaye Indananda Himi, responsible leader of Manthinda Temple School and Anura College. He welcomed the guests and served them, himself, curd and palm honey, thus, stressing hospitality and his appreciation of their visit and of continued German help in general.
In the house science room, very useful object donated by the German Friendship Association, they were shown lots of pictures in albums stressing the different projects realized by German donors. Mrs. Isha and Mr. Wasantha, English teachers taking responsibility for Matara-Neuwied contacts, showed sincere gratitude and respect for all the support that has been granted so far by the association, members, sponsors and friends from Germany.
Final object visited by the Germans: PSPS = Princess Sophie Pre School, opened in March 2016 and protected by the Princess of Neuwied. Interesting to see how the youngest students, aged 4 – 6 years, learn, play and feel good in their teachers’ company and assistance. They were particularly happy about the visit of these strange people coming from a faraway country, bringing along some sweets.
Thanks to the English teachers for their organization and company, and to Mr. Ruwan for mediation. Here are our best wishes for Andreas Hoss, Karin and Sophie, and the next days that they will spend on a round-trip through the wonderful island of Sri Lanka. We wish best experiences, gorgeous sights and lovely impressions, great people and unforgettable positive memories.